Review: The Dressmaker of Khair Khana ~ Gayle Tzemach Lemmon

Imagine that a new government immediately takes over your state and informs you that women are no longer to work, attend formal education, be seen in public without a head to toe covering and a related male chaperone, and must not communicate with any male outside of her own family. I am not sure that our own experiences and culture would even allow our brains to begin to rightly imagine such a dramatic change in lifestyle, but The Dressmaker of Khair Khana portrays a true story of women from Kabul, Afghanistan who experienced just that.  Overnight, their lives change from a largely westernized lifestyle to one of seclusion from society.  Many families were, therefore, left without providers for the family, as widows were not permitted to work and many young men had to leave their families in order to escape forced service to, or death by, the Taliban.

After weeks of being shut up at home, shut out of pursuing her education and career, and having to part with her father, mother, and one of her brothers, Kamila Sidiqi was faced with finding a way to provide for her many younger sisters and brother. …

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